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Veeder Root Single Point Hydrostatic Sensor

Original price was: $666.00.Current price is: $639.36.

The Single-Point Hydrostatic Reservoir Sensor accurately detects fluid level change in the reservoir and interstice of a double wall storage tank. The Single-Point has one float and can be used in low groundwater locations. If an inner-wall leak occurs, the brine seeps into the tank triggering a fuel alarm, or if the outer wall leaks, the brine seeps out of the tank interstice triggering a fuel alarm. With our Single-Point Hydrostatic Sensors, if either an inner or outer leak occurs, the brine level decreases and a low-level alarm is triggered.

Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+

Single-Point sensor alarm conditions: 

  • Leak in inner or outer wall triggers a low level alarm in low groundwater areas
  • Meets California’s requirement for secondary space monitoring for tanks as required by AB 2481 

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Veeder Root Single-Point Hydrostatic SensorVeeder Root Single Point Hydrostatic Sensor
Original price was: $666.00.Current price is: $639.36.
Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+